Four Loko Banned In Ohio – Four Loko which is a very popular drink made from a mixture of alcohol, caffeine and other ingredients has been making headlines lately.
The drink which comes in a large can is very liked by underage drinkers who are prohibited from buying alcoholic beverages such as beers has now been banned in numerous states after consumers and public health specialists agreed that it was extremely dangerous to one’s health.
Some senators, including Charles Schumer of New York, have pushed to get this very intoxicating drink banned from retailers nationwide.
Thus far Gov. Deval Patrick has banned the “Suicide in a can” in his state of Massachusetts, in the Big Apple and in most campuses in Ohio.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced yesterday that they are trying to have a nationwide recall of the energy drink.
However some people do not think that Four Loko is unhealthy and they compare it to Coca-Cola, Whisky, Vodka and Redbull.
“It’s very cheap and it is rich, it’s like soda or mineral water,” said Luisa Arredondo, a 22 year old student majoring in communication at the University of El Paso,Texas. He added:
“The drink has been very popular among college students because it is cheap and you feel intoxicated very fast “.
For Arredondo, people who have had complications with Four Loko are people who could not handle alcoholic beverages to start with.
Shockingly enough when news broke that the cans were being pulled of the shelves at the national level, youngsters started buying several boxes of the liquor for later usage.
Manufactured by Phusion Projects, the popular alcoholic energy drink which is currently being reformulated has 12 percent alcohol by volume in 23.5 ounces which is about four beers, got its name from its four main ingredients: alcohol, caffeine, taurine and guarana. The product is sold in all 7 / 11 stores all over the country and other retail stores and costs between 1.99 and $ 2.50.