Weight Loss Study Says: Structured Diet, Exercise Key To Losing Weight

Weight Loss Study Says: Structured Diet, Exercise Key To Losing Weight – Who would have guessed that monitoring your intake of calories and exercising would help you to lose weight?
These two concepts are the very fundamentals of shedding pounds, and it seems that so many who lose weight fail to practice these basic ideas. Instead, they look for shortcuts and pills that they can take that will do the job for them. The truth of the matter is that it is nearly impossible to lose weight without proper diet and exercise.

Two new studies that have been released support this notion as well. Both were released today, and used prepackaged meals as their way of monitoring the things that their patients ate. The results were fairly clear cut, and showed that proper diet and exercise help nearly everyone to lose weight when they are overweight or obese.

“Physicians should be aware that lifestyle changes actually do work,” researchers said at the conclusion of the study.

Right now, obesity is a condition that mostly affects low income individuals who do not have the means to purchase the types of foods that they should be eating. The study hopes that instead of prescribing diet medications, the study will persuade more doctors to practice giving their patients a meal plan and creating an exercise regiment for them. Some experts have expressed concern over prepackaged meal programs, saying that once they come to an end those that were on the program still have no idea how to prepare the meals that they were eating.

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