Psilocybin Helps With Late Stage Cancer Anxiety: Magic Mushroom Ingredient – The active ingredient in magic mushrooms, psilocybin, may improve the anxiety of late stage cancer in some patients, according to a recent report. The study was published in the “Archives of General Psychiatry,” and shows that the chemical was shown to increase spirits and lift the general mood of those who were in the late stages of cancer. Possession of the substance is illegal in US and it is classified as a Schedule I drug.
Mushrooms that contain the drug are still used recreationally, but in the past have been sued for spiritual purposes in a shamanic context. In the wake of the research, follow-up research has yet to be approved. If more studies like this are created, the psychiatric community will have to re-evaluate the use of hallucinogens within the community and medicine.
Patients were given a 0.2 milligram per kilogram dose of psilocybin or a placebo of niacin in identical clear capsules. All of the patients were evaluated before the study to determine whether or not it was safe for them to take the substance. After each session, the mood and depression levels of each individual were monitored, and patients who were administered the psilocybin showed a huge improvement over those that were issued the placebo. Anxiety levels continued to improve as far out as three months after treatment, suggesting that the substance could also have a long term benefit for individuals with late stage cancer as well.