Avandia Diabetes Pill: GlaxoSmithKline Drug Targeted In The UK

Avandia Diabetes Pill: GlaxoSmithKline Drug Targeted In The UK – After a number of studies that have shown there are more risks and side effects than benefits with taking the drug, a British medical journal has called on regulatory agencies to ban the use of Avandia, which they say should have never been released on the market in the first place.

A past European study had the same claims, saying back in 2000 that there were grave concerns over how effective it would be versus how many long term consequences were possible for the diabetes patients taking it.

Makers – have rejected the claims, saying that they have met all safety standards and requirements, and that Avandia has been used for years to the benefit of patients.

However, it has also been largely discontinued in the United States, due to a study in 2007 that found that the huge revenue producer was linked to heart attacks in a significant number of patients who took it.
A spokesman for the drug manufacturer said that they have done extensive studies on their own, and shared their data with all regulatory agencies and other study holders, and that they have proven Avandia to be both safe and effective in the treatment of diabetes.

But the British Medical Journal still insists, as does past data, that there is a real link between the drug and severe cardiovascular issues, which can lead to heart attacks in those with no history of heart problems.

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