Meridia Heart Attack & Stroke Risks Linked: Weight Loss Pill – Weight loss pills constantly come under fire after they are placed on the market. Now, Meridia is getting blasted because their pills increase the risk of heart attack and stroke. European officials have gone as far as to ban the drug, saying that it is not safe for consumption.
Phillip T. James, the doctor who conducted the research has said that the drug should stay on the market as long as it is not sold to individuals with heart conditions. There has been a lot of debate on the subject after the study revealed that nearly 1 in every 52 people with underlying problems suffer a heart attack or stroke.
The study also looked at obese individuals, who are more likely to have heart problems.
The drug did not increase the risk of death, only the risk of heart attack or stroke. The company has not fought the decision, but has publicly stated that they are hoping that the drug is not banned in the United States.
The editors of the New England journal of Medicine have spoken out, saying that they do not see any reason to keep the drug on the market, given the risks.
“The modest weight loss with Meridia did not translate into clinical benefit,” the editors say.”It is difficult to discern a credible rationale for keeping this medication on the market.”