In Washington politics seemed to have prevailed over compassion when those who risked their lives on 9/11 to help the wounded were denied medical care from the injuries and illnesses they sustained as a result.
A construction worker who was ground zero said that the political system has failed him and many others and the U.S Senate has embarrassed itself with the recent decision. John Feal lost half his foot at ground zero in an attempt to help others and is furious about the recent decision by the Senate to deny medical coverage to workers who helped on 9/11/2001.
Although the Health and Compensation Act which would give full medical coverage to those who worked at ground zero on 9/11 won a large majority, it still fell short by 60 votes which were needed in order for it to pass. The Majority Leader Harry Reid decided to vote “No” so that it could be brought back later on.
Even certain members of the Senate who would have likely approved it did not agree based on the decision to block anything Democrats try to put forth until the extension of Bush-era tax cuts for the wealthy are restored.
As a result of the decision, there are many upset workers and families of those who were injured working at ground zero.