Chelation Drugs: New FDA Target

The US Food and Drug Administration have taken a stand against over the counter chelation drugs that have not been approved. It has been reported that on Thursday, eight warning letters were sent out to companies who were selling chelation treatments that claimed to help with things like heart disease, autism, and even Alzheimer. The problem with these kinds of drugs is that they are misleading and targeting people with very limited options when it comes to treatments for the medical conditions that they suffer with.

The warning letters were sent out to those companies who were selling these types of chelation drugs over the counter because a lot of them were not actually approved by the US Food and Drug Administration. The FDA was quick to add that there were actually some chelation drugs on the market which had been approved by them, but also that any over the counter chelation drugs are suspect.

The main problem with the non-approved drugs is that there are serious safety issues that are associated with some of them. According to reports, several of these types of so called treatments can alter the levels of certain substances in the blood. According to the FDA, one child has died because of taking intravenous chelation drugs, and there are likely to be many people who have probably also suffered serious side effects from taking them. Some of these drugs claim to treat certain illnesses by removing heavy metals from the body.

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