Man jailed for breast op kidnap

A man has been jailed for 20 months for kidnapping his wife from hospital to stop her having a breast enlargement.

James McCarthy told wife Kerry: “Don’t do it. I like you as you are”, as he dragged her from a ward at the City of London’s St Bartholomew’s Hospital.

She had pleaded with hospital staff to help her and thought her husband may kill her, the Old Bailey heard.

McCarthy, 27, of Canning Town, east London, pleaded guilty to kidnapping Mrs McCarthy on 9 February.

Black eye

Defending counsel Michael Gomulka said: “This defendant did not want his wife to undergo an augmentation operation.

“He did not think it was necessary. He was also worried about the surgery itself.

“He went to the hospital to talk her out of having the operation. When she refused he reacted in the way he did.”

Kate Bex, prosecuting, said Mrs McCarthy had arrived for her surgery with a black eye.

Mrs McCarthy, who now goes by the name Kerry Joy, explained the situation to hospital worker Lola Ali, saying her husband had a knife.

“He was clearly in some state of agitation and shouted at Miss Joy,” Miss Bex said.

The court heard Miss Ali told police: “I saw him pick her bag up and he told her: ‘I like you as you are. I will kill you now’.”

McCarthy was arrested by police and later, in a prepared statement, denied threatening his wife.

“I pleaded with her not to have a breast augmentation,” he said. “We had a further chat and she agreed not to have it done.”

The couple had been married for a year and had a nine-month-old child.

McCarthy had a history of violence towards two previous partners and Mrs McCarthy from as far back as 1999, though the complaints had often not been pursued by the women.

Story from BBC NEWS

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