Alcohol More Harmful Than Crack & Heroin

Alcohol More Harmful Than Crack & Heroin – According to a study by a former government chief drug adviser, alcohol is more harmful than crack cocaine and heroin. According to reports, the study looks at how harmful a substance is to the individual, and also how harmful it is to society.

Overall, alcohol came out worse than both crack and heroin. There were seven categories in the study for how harmful alcohol is to society, and how harmful it is to an individual. In the society section there were crime, environmental damage, decline in community cohesion, and family conflict.

Some of the things included in the harm to self sections were poor health impaired mental function, loss of friendships and mortality.

Apparently, heroin, crack, and crystal meth came out on top when it came to how harmful they can be to an individual. Alcohol, heroin, and crack turned out to be the most harmful to society. According to the study, alcohol is more harmful than tobacco and cocaine.

Many people will disagree with the findings from the study, but we can all agree that alcohol tends to have a bad effect on society, especially in this day and age. However, many people are suggesting that the way alcohol is consumed has more to do with how damaging it can be as opposed to the damage being determined through a study such as this.

This is one of those studies that is going to have people talking for a while to come yet.

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