HIV Scare In California Adult Industry – Two of the largest adult film studios in America have recently suspended filming after news broke that one of their major porn stars had tested positive for HIV. Wicked Pictures and Vivid Entertainment recently announced that they were not producing any more films for the time being, as a star recently discovered that they had been infected with the HIV virus after filming.
The actor has not yet been named, but was reportedly a member of the Adult Industry Medical Healthcare Foundation. The spokesman for the clinic, Jennifer Miller, recently told the media that they were attempting to locate any other actors who may have had sexual contact with the porn star in question.
Unfortunately, this is not the first time that this has occurred in the billion dollar adult film industry. There was an HIV outbreak in 2004 that resulted in 14 people getting infected with the disease after they had sex with an infected actor on camera.
There have been numerous criticisms against the porn industry, saying that they are lacking responsibility by not using condoms on set. The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health recently announced that porn stars are 10 times more likely to be infected with an STD than the general public.