Rhabdomyolysis Symptoms for Albert Haynesworth

Rhabdomyolysis Symptoms for Albert Haynesworth – Now that rhabdomyolysis has become part of the Redskins’ legacy, many fans are wondering what exactly the team is dealing with. The disorder is not common, but it is not considered to be rare either.It is fairly unusual that a professional athlete would fall victim to the problem, and is usually associated with trauma. Though he has recovered from his battle with rhabdomyolysis last week, he isn’t any more likely to have to deal with the problem again.

“There are all kinds of infections and drugs that can be associated with it. For an athlete, in summer time weather who goes out and does a lot of things, some individuals for whatever reason may have a change in their muscle metabolism and it sets into motion the muscle destruction,” said Dr. Bryan Becker, president of the National Kidney foundation.

Albert Haynesworth has been in the media a lot this offseason. First because he had requested a trade after the team had switched their defensive scheme, which would have made Albert Haynesworth a defensive end instead of a defensive tackle, and then because he was having health issues that kept him from passing his conditioning test.

Haynesworth cut short a practice on Tuesday and Coach Mike Shanahan said that he had to do so because he was not feeling well. Shanahan originally stated that he thought his illness might be heat related, but eventually it became clear that he was suffering from rhabdomyolysis. He is expected to make a complete recovery.

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